“「ウクラインは、殆ど全ての癌において、 従来の化学療法に代わることが可能です」 ”


Greater celandine
Greater celandine



クサノオウの特別な抽出液を主体とするウクラインは 様々な癌の治療に用いられます。






クサノオウ(Chelidonium majus L.)は、薬草として、既に3000年以上、良く知られています。クサノオウから出る乳液は、主に皮膚のいぼ治療に用いられてきました。けれども、クサノオウの内科的使用は、その高い毒性のため、極めて限られていました。ところが、特許の製法によって開発された製品は、静脈注射による投薬が可能となり、しかも癌細胞との親和性を特徴としています。開発者は、祖国の名をとって、この製品をウクラインと名付けました。


ウクラインは、抗癌剤として、アラブ首長国連邦(登録番号4987-6179-1)、ヨーロッパの幾つかの国々(その一例はウクライナで、最初の認可が1998年10月18日、#3641、再認可が2003年9月2日、#3641)、メキシコ(登録番号036M2005 SSA)で認可されています。ウクラインは、アメリカ(認可申請#03-1693)とオーストラリア(ファイル004/009839)で、膵臓癌に対する稀少疾病用医薬品に指定されています。ウクラインは既に264回、国際化学療法学会、アメリカ癌研究協会、米国国立癌研究所、欧州癌研究治療機関の癌治療薬品に関する年次会議など、数多くの国際会議や学会で紹介されています。1997年、オーストリアのシドニーにおける第20回国際化学療法学会では、ひとつのセクションで、ウクラインのみがテーマとされています。ウクラインをテーマに、既に257に上る専門研究が公表されています。








• ホーエンヴァルター他、1992年:ヒトの骨肉腫およびメラノーマ細胞;ヒトの臍部分静脈の血管内皮細胞。
• コルド他、2002年:ヒトの腫瘍細胞MDA-MB-231(胸部)、PA-TU-8902(膵臓)、CCL-221(大腸)、U-138MG(膠芽腫);ヒトの皮膚および肺の繊維芽細胞HSF1、HSF2およびCCD32-LU。
•  ロブレフスカヤ他、2000年(抗癌リサーチ):ME180およびA431癌種細胞;HaCaTヒトの正常ケラチノサイト。
• ガリアーノ他、2007年:膠芽腫MI細胞T60、T63および膠芽腫。
• ハーバーメール他、2006年:ジュルカットA3 T-リンパ腫、カスパーゼ-9 DN 発現ジュルカット、カスパーゼ-8およびFADDネガティブ・ジュルカット、CD95/耐性ジュルカットA3、およびBcl-2発現ジュルカット細胞:ジュルカットJ16コントロール細胞、cFLIP-L発現ジュルカット細胞。
• パンツァー他、1998年:HeLaヒトの子宮頚部癌腫およびHs27(ヒト包皮の繊維芽細胞)、WHCO5(食道扁平上皮癌);グラハム293(ヒトの変形胚腎臓)。







この研究では、組織学的に手術不能と証明された90人の膵臓癌患者に、コントロールされた任意抽出方式で治療が行われました。実施されたのはウルム大学においてです(ドイツ)。Aグループの患者には、標準的化学療法に用いられるゲムシタビン1000mg/ m2が投与され、Bグループの患者にはウクライン20mg、更にCグループの患者にはゲムシタビンmg/m2に加え、週に一度ウクライン20mgが投与されました。6ヵ月後の生存率は、ゲムシタビンのみのグループで26%、ウクラインのみのBグループが65%、両者を組み合わせたグループが74%でした。この結果は、手術不可能となった進行膵臓癌でも、ウクラインとゲムシタビンの併用によって生存率が倍化することを示しています。









ベセスダ(USA)の国立癌研究所における試験管内スクリーニング・プログラムでは、様々な癌の中でも結腸癌の癌細胞に対するウクライン(NSC 631570)の効果が試験されました(スライド・・・)。ウクラインは、ここでも、大腸癌の癌細胞増殖を抑える明快な効果を示しました。ウクラインは高度に蓄積され、細胞破壊作用によって、細胞バイオマスを減少させます。これに対し、結腸癌の化学療法に用いられる一般的な抗癌剤5-フルオロウラシル(5-FU、コード:NSC19893)も、同様の条件下で試験されました。5-FUの用量-反応曲線は、10-3.5同様のモル濃度において、8例の人体結腸癌に抑止作用を示したのみでした。しかも、この濃度は、ウクラインの場合の10倍です。この方法において5-FUは、人体結腸癌に対し、何ら致死作用を及ぼしませんでした。それにも拘らずNCIは、この抗癌剤の卓越した抗癌効果を認めています。つまり、5-FUの用量-反応は、ウクラインのそれに比べて過大評価されています。極く僅かなケースにおいてのみ、5-FUの増殖抑制効果が見られたに過ぎず、しかも極めて高い用量で、癌細胞のみへの選択的毒性ではありませんでした。この研究結果からも、ウクラインの癌細胞に対する選択的毒性が立証されています。




前立腺癌に対するウクラインの効果は、幾つかの研究機関で、試験管研究が行われています。ロチェスター大学(USA)の研究グループは、LNCaPの細胞ラインを対象としました。ウクラインは、形態学的変化を誘発し、その際、細胞は長く伸びて紡錘形を示しています。フローサイトメトリーは、用量増加に伴って増える細胞死を明示しています。3.5 Mのウクラインでは、細胞の73%がG2/M期を示し、これに対しコントロール細胞では10%でした。用量増加とともにG2/M期細胞は減少しますが、細胞死は増加します。ウクラインは、サイクリン依存のキナーゼ抑制剤p27をアップレギュレートすることが確認されています(ロブレフスカヤ他、2000年)。



















3種のヒト膠芽腫細胞ラインT60、T63およびGBMに、3種の濃縮ウクライン(0.1、1および10 µmol/l)が投与されました。ウクライン投与のない培養細胞は、コントロールのため保存されました。高濃度(10 µmol/l)では、投与から48時間後および72時間後に、細胞拡散の明確な減少が見られました。ウクラインの潜伏期から48時間後と72時間後には、MMP-2とSPARCのダウンレギュレーション傾向も認められました。ウクラインは、細胞拡散、腫瘍細胞の侵入や生存に欠かせないプロテインの発現など、ヒト膠芽腫細胞成長の主要な局面に影響を及ぼします。従ってウクラインは、脳腫瘍治療へのポテンシャルをも内包しています。これによって更に、ウクラインの抗腫瘍メカニズムや、化学療法を回避し得る可能性への理解をも深めことができるでしょう。














ウクライン(0.4mg/kg、腹腔内投与)は、内分泌腺に対する保護効果のあることが、放射線照射したラットの実験で明らかになりました。ラットに対する短時間の全身ガンマ線照射(1Gy)の後、NSC 631570投与を受けたラットでは、甲状腺ホルモン受容器官と細胞間糖質コルチコイド受容器官の数が、正常化しました(ルクサ=リヒテンターラー他、2000年ab)。

動物実験は、放射線照射に対するウクラインの保護効果を証明しています。LD70 ~LD90に相当するガンマ線の全身照射を受けたマウスが、0.2mgから1.4mg/kgのNSC 631570腹腔内投与を受けた場合、生存率が著しく高まります(50~60%上昇、p<0.05)。最大の生存率が得られるのは、照射前6時間から照射後3時間の間にNSC 631570の投与を受けた場合です。その他幾つかの同様の報告からも、NSC 631570の放射線に対する保護効果は、今後更に研究する価値のあることを示しています(ボイコ他、1998年a-d)。

放射線に対するNSC 631570の保護効果について、ヒト皮膚と肺の繊維芽細胞の場合が、フローサイトメトリーによって研究されています。指数的に増殖するヒト細胞ラインに対し、NSC 631570(0.1~50 g/ml)が1、3、および24時間用いられ、続いて放射線が照射されました(1~10Gy)。また同様に、NSC 631570(1.0 g/ml)が24時間用いられ、続いて放射線が照射されました(2~8 Gy)。最終段階では、以下の項目が検査されました:細胞毒性、細胞死誘導、細胞サイクルの進行、TP53とp21のプロテイン発現。使用されたのは、以下の細胞ラインです:MDA-MB-231(ヒト乳癌細胞)、PA-TU-8902(膵臓癌細胞)、CCL-221(大腸癌細胞)、U-138MG(膠芽腫)、HSF1、 HSF2、およびCCD32-LU(いずれもヒト肺繊維芽細胞)。 NSC 631570は時間と投与量により、細胞増殖抑止にも異なる効果を示します。 またNSC 631570に対しては、正常な皮膚や肺の繊維芽細胞ラインよりも、腫瘍細胞ラインの方が遥かに強い感応性を示します。NSC 631570と放射線照射の併用は、CCL-221細胞とU138MG細胞に対する細胞毒性を高めますが、MDA-MB-231やPA-TU-8902の細胞には問題ありません。NSC 631570は、ヒト表皮や肺の繊維芽細胞を放射線から保護する効果があります。フローサイトメトリーの測定によれば、NSC 631570投与は、CCL-221およびU-138MGのG2/M期への集積をもたらします。ヒトの正常な繊維芽細胞に対する保護効果は、NSC 631570と放射線療法の結合が、臨床において良好な結果をもたらすことを示唆しています(コルド他、2002年)。



ウクラインの鎮痛効果については、相反する報告が存在します。マウスによる痛みテストでは、事前にウクラインを投与されたマウスに、3%酢酸が腹腔内に投与されました。5分後には痛みを表す挙動が見られ、鎮痛効果は確認されませんでした。けれども、ホットプレートによる実験では、9.5 mg/kgに代わって19 mg/kgのウクラインが腹腔内に投与され、15~60分の後、明確な鎮痛効果が見られました。加えて、2.375、4.75、9.5 および19 mg/kgのウクラインが10日以上繰り返し腹腔内投与された結果は、0.1 mg/kgのモルヒネ投与と同等の効果を示しています(ヤジェロ=ヴォイトヴィッツ他、1996年)。 更にウクラインは、幾つかの鎮静剤と相互作用を示します。鎮静剤の効果が増強される場合も減少される場合もあります。これは、用いられた痛みモジュールによって異なります。モルヒネとウクラインが数日間以上同時に投与された場合には、両者の鎮痛効果が全く消滅しています(痛みテスト)。同様に、ウクラインが1回あるいは繰り返して投与された場合も、ナルトレキソンが、鎮痛効果を完全に消し去ります(ヤジェロ=ヴォイトヴィッツ他、1996年)。

ウクライン投与(p<0.001)は、電気ショックによる、てんかん発作モデルマウスにおいて、バルプロエイトの抗てんかん効果を増強します。これは、ウクライン投与量9.5および19.0 mg/kgで確認されましたが、4.75 mg/kgでは現れませんでした。その他の抗てんかん薬(ジアゼパム、カルバマゼピン、ジフェニルヒダントイン、フェノバルビタール)では、抗てんかん効果の増強は確認されませんでした(ヤジェロ=ヴォイトヴィッツ他、1996年)。




今日に至るまでウクラインは、100以上の癌細胞ラインで試験され、これら全ての癌細胞に対し選択的毒性が確認されています。その中には膵臓癌細胞ライン、シスプラチンによる化学療法に抗性を示す細胞ライン、異種移植のヒト腫瘍も含まれます。ウクラインの効果に関する幅広いスペクトルムは、以下のパイロット研究によって実証されました。ここでは、47種の様々な腫瘍を有する363人の患者が、1997年9月から2003年1月まで、ヴィラ・メディカ病院(ドイツのエーデンコーベン)で、ウクライン治療を受けました。 これらの患者には既に従来の治療法が行われて全く効果が無く、再発、癌の進行、あるいはその両方のため、ウクライン治療が行われたのです。こうした背景にも拘らず、以下のような回復率(完全回復)が達成されました:乳癌31%、大腸癌16.7%、肺腺癌7.7%、肺小細胞癌21%、中枢神経系腫瘍(脳腫瘍)66.6%、神経芽細胞腫60%、精上皮腫(精巣癌)75%、膀胱癌50%(アシュホフ、2003年)。












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(3)       Nowicky J, Greif M, Hamler F, Hiesmayr W, Staub W. Biological Activity of Ukrain in Vitro and in Vivo. V Mediterranean Congress of Chemotherapy. 26 October-1 November 1986 Cairo, Egypt, Chemioterapia, Supplement to n. 2, Volume 6, 683, June 1987.
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(12)     Liepins A, Nowicky JW. Ukrain is Selectively Cytostatic and/or Cytotoxic to Human Tumor and HIV-Infected Cells but not to Human Normal Cells. Recent Advances in Chemotherapy, Anticancer Section, Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Chemotherapy, Berlin, 2660, 1991.
(13)     Vatanasapt V, Wongpratoom W, Mairiang P, Mairiang E, Chaiyakam C, Buddhisawasd V, Pairojkul C, Nowicky JW. Preliminary report on clinical experience in the use of Ukrain. Thai Cancer Journal, Volume 17 No. 1-2, 20, 1991.
(14)     Nowicky JW, Liepins A, Staniszewski A, Slezak B, Nowicky W, Hiesmayr W. The malignotoxic and immune modulating property of the alkaloid derivative Ukrain. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, Suppl. Vol. 118, V1. 09. 05, 1992.
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(16)     Remiszewska M, Wutkiewicz M, Jastrzebski Z, Czyzewska-Szafran H, Danysz A. Pharmacological Effects of Ukrain in Rats and Rabbits. Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica-Drug Research, Vol. 49 no. 4, 43, 1992.
(17)     Liepins A, Nowicky JW. Activation of Spleen Cell Lytic Activity by the Alkaloid Thiophophoric Acid Derivative: Ukrain. International Journal of Immunopharmacology, 14, 8, 1437-1442, 1992.
(18)     Slesak B, Nowicky JW, Harlozinska A. In Vitro Effects of Chelidonium Majus L. Alkaloid Thiophosphoric Acid Conjugates (Ukrain) on the Phenotype of Normal Human Lymphocytes. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XVIII, 17, 1992.
(19)     Chlopkiewicz B, Marczewska J, Ejchart A, Anuszewska E, Koziorowska J. Evaluation of Mutagenic; Genotoxic and Transforming Properties of Ukrain. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XVIII, 31, 1992.
(20)     Kleinrok Z, Jagiello-Wojtowicz E, Nowicky JW, Chodkowska A, Feldo M. Interaction between Ukrain and Aminophenazone in Analgesic Test in Rodents. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XVIII, 97, 1992.
(21)     Musianowycz J, Judmajer F, Manfreda D, Spängler P, Albrecht H, Hoffmann J, Meijer D. Clinical Studies of Ukrain in Terminal Cancer Patients (Phase II). Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XVIII, 45, 1992.
(22)     Danilos J, Zbroja-Sontag W, Baran E, Kurylcio L, Kondratowicz L, Jusiak L. Preliminary studies on the effect of Ukrain (Tris *2-**5BS-(5BA,6B, 12BA)*-5B,6,7,12B,13,14-hexahydro-13-methyl*1,3* benzodioxolo *5,6-C*-1-3-dioxolo*4,5,-i* phenanthri-dinium-6-ol]-ethaneaminyl* phosphinesulfide.6HCl) on the immunological response in patients with malignant tumours. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XVIII, 55, 1992.
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(24)     Nowicky JW, Manolakis G, Meijer D, Vatanasapt V, Brzosko WJ. Ukrain both as an anticancer and immunoregulatory agent. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XVIII, 51, 1992.
(25)     Staniszewski A, Slesak B, Kolodziej J, Harlozinska-Szmyrka A, Nowicky JW. Lymphocyte subsets in patients with lung cancer treated with thiophosphoric acid alkaloid derivatives from Chelidonium majus L. (Ukrain). Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XVIII, 63, 1992.
(26)     Sotomayor E, Rao K, Lopez DM, Liepins A. Enhancement of macrophage tumouricidal activity by the alkaloid derivative Ukrain. In vitro and in vivo studies. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XVIII, 5, 1992.
(27)     Pengsaa P, Wongpratoom W, Vatanasapt V, Udomthavornsuk B, Mairieng E, Tangvorapongchai V, Pesi M, Krusan S, Boonvisoot V, Nowicky JW. The effects of thiophosphoric acid (Ukrain) on cervical cancer, stage IB bulky. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XVIII, 69, 1992.
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(29)     Kleinrok Z, Jagiello-Wojtowicz E, Nowicky JW, Chodkowska A, Feldo M, Matuszek B. Some pharmacological properties of prolonged administration of Ukrain in rodents. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XVIII, 93, 1992.
(30)     Juszkiewicz T, Minta M, Wlodarczyk B, Biernacki B. Teratological evaluation of Ukrain in hamsters and rats. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XVIII, 23, 1992.
(31)     Jagiello-Wojtowicz E, Kleinrok Z, Surmaczynska B, Baran E, Feldo M, Nowicky JW. Effect of single and three months treatment with Ukrain on amino-transferases (ALT and AST) and on the serum protein level in rodents. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XVIII, 85, 1992.
(32)     Jagiello-Wojtowicz E, Kleinrok Z, Nowicky JW, Matuszek B, Baran E, Surmaczynska B. Effect of single and prolonged administration of Ukrain on prolactin concentration in rats. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XVIII, 89, 1992.
(33)     Jagiello-Wojtowicz E., Kleinrok Z., Matuszek B., Surmaczynska B., Baran E., Nowicky W., Nowicky J.W. Effect of three months treatment with Ukrain on peripheral blood morphology in rodents. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XVIII, 79, 1992.
(34)     Jagiello-Wojtowicz E., Kleinrok Z., Feldo M., Chodkowska A., Nowicky J.W. Effect of Ukrain on the efficacy of anti-epileptic drugs against maximal electroshock-induced seizures in mice. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XVIII, 107, 1992.
(35)     Jagiello-Wojtowicz E., Kleinrok Z., Chodkowska A., Feldo M., Nowicky J.W. Modification of antinociceptive action of morphine by Ukrain in rodents. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XVIII, 101, 1992.
(36)     Hohenwarter O., Strutzenberger K., Katinger H., Liepins A., Nowicky J.W. Selective inhibition of in vitro cell growth by the anti-tumour drug Ukrain. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XVIII, 1, 1992.
(37)     Danysz A., Kokoschinegg M., Hamler F. Clinical studies of Ukrain in healthy volunteers (phase I). Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XVIII, 39, 1992.
(38)     Brüller W. Studies concerning the effect of Ukrain in vivo and in vitro. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XVIII, 13, 1992.
(39)     Nowicky J.W. Biological Properties of Ukrain in Experimental and Clinical Investigations. International Medical Reviews, Avalanche Ltd. St. Petersburg, Russia, 1, 1, 5, 1993.
(40)     Nowicky J.W., Nowicky W., Liepins A. Cytostatic and cytotoxic effects of Ukrain on malignant cells. VIII Mediterranean Congress of Chemotherapy, 24-29 May 1992, Athens, Greece, Journal of Chemotherapy, Supplement n. 1, Volume 5, 797, 1993.
(41)     Nowicky J.W. Ukrain Antineoplastic Immunomostimulant. E09/029, NSC-631570, NSC-B238865, UKSR-222, W122, Drugs of the Future, Prous Science Publishers, Copyright Prous Science, 18 (11), 1015, November 1993.
(42)     Kamyshentsev M.V., Voltchek I.V., Btailovskaya I.V., Leschev A.L., Lavinsky Y.C. and Nowicky J. W. Testing Ukrain as an Anti-Influenza Remedy. Recent Advances in Chemotherapy, American Society for Microbiology, Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Chemotherapy, Stockholm, Sweden, June 27-July 2, 645, 1993.
(43)     Liepins A., Sotomayor E. M., Lopez D. M. and J.W. Nowicky. Biological Response-Modifying Properties of the Alkaloid Derivative Ukrain (NSC 631570). Recent Advances in Chemotherapy, American Society for Microbiology, Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Chemotherapy, Stockholm, Sweden, June 27-July 2, 783, 1993.
(44)     Nowicky J. W., Manolakis G., Meijer D., Vatanasapt V., Brzosko W.J. and Lohninger A. Immunological and Tumoricidal Properties of Ukrain. Recent Advances in Chemotherapy, American Society for Microbiology, Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Chemotherapy, Stockholm, Sweden, June 27-July 2, 793, 1993.
(45)     Lohninger A., Musianowyc J., Judmaier F., Manfreda D., Spängler P., Albrecht H., Hoffmann J. and Mejer D. Results of Phase II Clinical Studies with Ukrain. Recent Advances in Chemotherapy, American Society for Microbiology, Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Chemotherapy, Stockholm, Sweden, June 27-July 2, 794, 1993.
(46)     Voltchek I.V., Nowicky J.W., Zolotukhin N.N., Kamyshentsev M.V., Miroshnichenko A.G., Leschev A.L. and Belskikh A.N. Some Immunohematological Effects of Ukrain. Recent Advances in Chemotherapy, American Society for Microbiology, Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Chemotherapy, Stockholm, Sweden, June 27-July 2, 798, 1993.
(47)     Nowicky Jaroslaw W., Markowska Janina and Brzosko Witold J. Ukrain and Natural Killer Cells. Recent Advances in Chemotherapy, American Society for Microbiology, Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Chemotherapy, Stockholm, Sweden, June 27-July 2, 863, 1993.
(48)     Zemskov V.S., Yaremchuk O.Ya., Susak Ya.M., Deneka E.R., Kravchenco O.V. and Kamenets L.Ya. Experience of the Application of Ukrain in Oncological Practice in Ukraine. Recent Advances in Chemotherapy, American Society for Microbiology, Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Chemotherapy, Stockholm, Sweden, June 27-July 2, 870, 1993.
(49)     Nowicky J.W., Cisak E., Liepins A., Susak Ja.M., Semskow W. Stimulation of phagocytic activity in vitro, in vivo and in the clinic by Ukrain. 11th Future Trends in Chemotherapy, Interdisciplinary World Congress on Antimicrobial and Anticancer Drugs, 24-27 April 1994, Palexpo Geneva (Switzerland), Abstracts: abs. 68, April 1994.
(50)     Kurik M.V., Susak Y.M., Kravchenko O.V. Some biophysical properties of Ukrain. 11th Future Trends in Chemotherapy, Interdisciplinary World Congress on Antimicrobial and Anticancer Drugs, 24-27 April 1994, Palexpo Geneva (Switzerland), Abstracts: abs. 79, April 1994.
(51)     Lisnyak O.I., Lozjuk R. M. Biological activity of some thiophosphamide derivatives of alkaloids with respect to influenza virus. 11th Future Trends in Chemotherapy, Interdisciplinary World Congress on Antimicrobial and Anticancer Drugs, 24-27 April 1994, Palexpo Geneva (Switzerland), Abstracts: abs. 96, April 1994.
(52)     Lozjuk R.M., Lisnyak O.I., Lozjuk L.V. Theoretical grounds and experimental confirmation of antiviral effect of the preparation Ukrain. 11th Future Trends in Chemotherapy, Interdisciplinary World Congress on Antimicrobial and Anticancer Drugs, 24-27 April 1994, Palexpo Geneva (Switzerland), Abstracts: abs. 95, April 1994.
(53)     Brzosko W.J., Graczyk A., Konarski J., Nowicky J.W. Synergic influence of Ukrain and protoporphyrine amino conjugates on human malignant cell lines. 11th Future Trends in Chemotherapy, Interdisciplinary World Congress on Antimicrobial and Anticancer Drugs, 24-27 April 1994, Palexpo Geneva (Switzerland), Abstracts: abs. 110, April 1994.
(54)     Brzosko W.J., Uglianica K., Fomin K., Nowicky J.W. Influence of Ukrain on breast cancers. 11th Future Trends in Chemotherapy, Interdisciplinary World Congress on Antimicrobial and Anticancer Drugs, 24-27 April 1994, Palexpo Geneva (Switzerland), Abstracts: abs. 109, April 1994.
(55)     Zemskov V.S., Susak Ya.M., Zemskov S.V. Ukrain monotheraphy for treatment of colorectal cancer. 11th Future Trends in Chemotherapy, Interdisciplinary World Congress on Antimicrobial and Anticancer Drugs, 24-27 April 1994, Palexpo Geneva (Switzerland), Abstracts: abs. 78, April 1994.
(56)     Liepins A., Nowicky J.W. Selective induction of programmed cell death (apoptosis) in malignant cells by the alkaloid derivative Ukrain (NSC-613570). 11th Future Trends in Chemotherapy, Interdisciplinary World Congress on Antimicrobial and Anticancer Drugs, 24-27 April 1994, Palexpo Geneva (Switzerland), Abstracts: abs. 93, April 1994.
(57)     Jagiello-Wojtowicz E., Kleinrok Z., Nowicky J., Hodkowska A., Feldo M., Matuszek B., Jablonska M., Gorzelak M. Effect of six month treatment with Ukrain on early osteoporosis induced by ovariectomy in rats. 11th Future Trends in Chemotherapy, Interdisciplinary World Congress on Antimicrobial and Anticancer Drugs, 24-27 April 1994, Palexpo Geneva (Switzerland), Abstracts: abs. 49, April 1994.
(58)     Nowicky J.W., Wladyslawa Nowicky, Hiesmayr W., Potopalsky A.. Alterations of DNA; RNA and protein synthesis in malignant cells under the influence of Ukrain. XVI International Cancer Congress 1994, 30 October - 5 November 1994, New Delhi, India, abs. PSB 15 -17, 319.
(59)     Voltchek I. Ukrain - Drug of the Future in the Cancer Treatment? Terra Medica, Nr. 1, 1995, 24 - 25 (in Russian).
(60)     Ciebiada I., Korczak E., Denys A., Nowicky J. W. Effect of Ukrain preparation on immune response in mice affected by influenza virus. Journal of Chemotherapy, Vol. 7 (Suppl.), n. 4, 1995 101-104.
(61)     Voltchek I., Kamyshentsev M., Lavinsky Y., Nowicky J., Medvedev Y., Litvinchuk L. Comparative Study of the Cytostatic Effects of Oliphen and Ukrain. Journal of Chemotherapy, Vol. 8 - n. 2, 1996, 144-146.
(62)     Liepins A., Nowicky J.W., Bustamante J.O., Lam E. Induction of Bimodal Programmed Cell Death in Malignant Cells by the Derivative Ukrain (NSC-631570). Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 1 - 7.
(63)     Nowicky JW, Hiesmayr W, Nowicky W, Liepins A. Influence of Ukrain on DNA, RNA and Protein Synthesis in Malignant Cells. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 9-19.
(64)     Nowicky J.W., Hiesmayr W., Influence of Ukrain on Human Xenografts in vitro. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 21 - 25.
(65)     Jin Y.M., Nowicky J.W., Liepins A. Mitogenic Properties of Ukrain (NSC-631570) on Human Peripheral Blood Monocytes: Clinical Implications. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 27 - 30.
(66)     Liepins A., Nowicky J.W. Modulation of Immune Effector Cell Cytolytic Activity and Tumour Growth Inhibition in vivo by Ukrain (NSC-631570). Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 31 - 42.
(67)     Susak Y.M., Zemskov V.S., Yaremchuk O.Y., Kravchenko O.B., Yatsyk I.M., Korsh O.B. Comparison of Chemotherapy and X-ray Therapy with Ukrain Monotherapy for Colorectal Cancer. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 43 - 50.
(68)     Uglanica K.N., Fomin K.A., Nefyodov L.I., Nowicky J.W., Brzosko W.J., Jankowski A. Influence of Ukrain on Patients with Surgically Treated Breast Cancer (Introductory Remarks). Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 51 - 54.
(69)     Uglanica K.N., Brzosko W.J, Fomin K.A., Nowicky J.W. Influence of Ukrain on Breast Cancer. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 55 - 62.
(70)     Uglanica K.N., Fomin K.A., Nefyodov L.I., Nowicky J.W., Brzosko W.J., Jankowski A. Influence of Ukrain on Patients with Surgically Treated Breast Cancer. Part I. Clinical and Laboratory Parameters. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 63 - 66.
(71)     Uglanica K.N., Fomin K.A., Nefyodov L.I., Vilkiewich T.W., Nowicky J.W., Brzosko W.J., Jankowski A. Influence of Ukrain on Patients with Surgically Treated Breast Cancer. Part II. Hormonal Profile. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 67 - 70.
(72)     Uglanica K.N., Fomin K.A., Nefyodov L.I., Djurd T.I., Nowicky J.W., Brzosko W.J., Jankowski A. Influence of Ukrain on Patients with Surgically Treated Breast Cancer. Part III. The Immune System. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 71 -74.
(73)     Uglanica K.N., Maciuk J.R., Fomin K.A., Nefyodov L.I., Kravchuk R.I., Vinogradova L. M., Nowicky J.W., Brzosko W.J. Influence of Ukrain on Patients with Surgically Treated Breast Cancer. Part IV. Electromicroscopic and Cytochemical Evaluation. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 75 - 82.
(74)     Nefyodov L.I., Uglanica K.N., Smirnov V.Y., Doroshenko Y.M., Fomin K.A., Nowicky J.W., Brzosko W.J. Amino Acids and Their Derivatives in Blood Plasma of Patients with Breast Cancer Treated with Ukrain. Part V. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 83 - 86.
(75)     Nefyodov L.I., Uglanica K.N., Smirnov V.Y., Doroshenko Y.M., Fomin K.A., Nowicky J.W., Brzosko W.J. Amino Acids and Their Derivatives in Tumour Tissue from Patients with Breast Cancer Treated with Ukrain. Part VI. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 87 - 90.
(76)     Nowicky J.W., Hiesmayr W., Liepins A. Influence of Ukrain on Immunological Blood Parameters in vitro and in vivo. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 91 - 94.
(77)     Boyko V.N., Voltchek I.V., Petrov A.S., Bubnov V.P. Action of Ukrain, a Cytostatic and Immunomodulating Drug, on Effects of Irradiation. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 95 - 100.
(78)     Jagiello-Wojtowicz E., Kleinrok Z., Nowicky J.W., Jablonski M., Gorzelak M., Chodkowska A., Feldo M., Matuszek B. Effect of Six-Month Treatment with Ukrain on Early Osteoporosis Induced by Ovariectomy in Rats. Part I: Preliminary Studies of Bone Parameters. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 101- 104.
(79)     Jagiello-Wojtowicz E., Kleinrok Z., Nowicky J.W., Chodkowska A., Feldo M., Surmaczynska B., Gorzelak M., Jablonski M. Effect of Six-Month Treatment with Ukrain on Early Osteoporosis Induced by Ovariectomy in Rats. Part II: Preliminary Studies of Peripheral Blood Parameters. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 105-108.
(80)     Jagiello-Wojtowicz E., Kleinrok Z., Nowicky J.W., Baran E. Effect of Six-Month Treatment with Ukrain on Early Osteoporosis Induced by Ovariectomy in Rats. Part III: Preliminary Studies of Some Hormone Levels. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 109-113.
(81)     Susak Y.M., Kurik M.V., Kravchenko O.V., Zemskov S.V. Certain Biophysical Properties of Ukrain. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 113 - 116.
(82)     Zhalilo LI, Susak YM, Zemskov SV, Susak IA. Influence of Ukrain on the Redox Processes of Hepatocytes. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 117-120.
(83)     Brzosko W.J., Graczyk A., Konarski J., Nowicky J.W. Synergic Influence of Ukrain and protoporphyrin Amino Acids Conjugates on Human Malignant Cell Lines. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 121 - 122.
(84)     Wyczólkowska J., Michon T., Nowicky J.W. Inhibitory Effect of Thiophosphoric Acid Alkaloid Derivatives from Chelidonium majus L. (Ukrain) on Ovalbumin Antigenicity and Antiovalbumin IgE Antibody Response in Mice. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 123 - 128.
(85)     Jagiello-Wojtowicz E., Kleinrok Z., Chodkowska A., Nowicky J.W., Piper H., Kubiatowski T. Antinociceptive Effect of Ten Day Administration of Ukrain in Mice and Interaction of the Treatment with Morphine. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 129 - 132.
(86)     Jagiello-Wojtowicz E., Kleinrok Z., Nowicky J.W., Chodkowska A., Kubiatowski T, Piper H. Interaction Between Ukrain and Morphine in Their Ten-Day Treatment in Mice in the Writhing Syndrome Test. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 133 - 134.
(87)     Ciebiada I, Korczak E., Nowicky JW, Denys A. Does the Ukrain Preparation Protect Mice Against Lethal Doses of Bacteria? Drugs Exptl Clin Res, XXII (Suppl), 1996, 135-140.
(88)     Lozjuk R.M., Lisnyak O.I., Lozjuk L.V. Theoretical Grounds and Experimental Confirmation of the Antiviral Effect of the Preparation Ukrain. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 141 - 146.
(89)     Ciebiada I., Korczak E., Nowicky J.W., Denys A. Estimation of Direct Influence of Ukrain Preparation on Influenza Viruses and the Bacteria E. coli and S. aureus. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 147 - 152.
(90)     Lisnyak OI, Lozjuk RM. Biological Activity of Some Thiophosphamide Derivatives of Alkaloids with Respect to Influenza Virus. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 153-156.
(91)     Stabuc B., Benedicic D. Ukrain with Chemotherapy in Malignant Melanoma (Case Report). Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 159-162.
(92)     Hamler F., Hiesmayr W., Korsh O.B., Melnyk A. Ukrain Monotherapy in Malignant Melanoma (Case Report). Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 163 - 166.
(93)     Kotsay B., Lisnyak O., Myndiuk O., Romanyshyn J., Fabri O. Ukrain Treatment of Rhabdomyosarcoma (Case Report). Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 167 - 170.
(94)     Kadan P., Korsh OB, Melnyk A. Ukrain Therapy of Recurrent Breast Cancer with Lung Metastases (Case Report). Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 171-174.
(95)     Nowicky J.W., Schramm E., Godysh Y. Biophysical Effects of Ukrain Therapy in a Patient with Breast Cancer (Case Report). Drugs Exptl Clin Res., Vol XXII (Suppl), 1996, 175-182.
(96)     Kroiss T., Melnyk A., Korsh O.B. Ukrain Treatment in Carcinoma of the Cervix (Case Report). Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 183 - 186.
(97)     Lohninger A, Korsh OB, Melnyk A. Combined Therapy with Ukrain and Chemotherapy in Ovarian Cancer (Case Report). Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 187 - 190.
(98)     Sakalo V.S., Korsh O.B., Melnyk A. Ukrain Treatment in a Patient with Non-Seminomatous Germ-Cell Tumour of Testis (Case Report). Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 191 - 194.
(99)     Vyas J.J., Jain V.K. Ukrain Treatment in Carcinoma of the Oesophagus (Case Report). Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 195 - 198.
(100)   Kadan P., Korsh O.B., Hiesmayr W. Ukrain in the Treatment of Urethral Recurrent Carcinoma (Case Report). Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 199 - 202.
(101)   Steinacker J., Kroiss T., Korsh O.B., Melnyk A. Ukrain Treatment in a Frontal Anaplastic Grade III Astrocytoma (Case Report). Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 203-206.
(102)   Steinacker J., Korsh O.B., Melnyk A. Ukrain Therapy of a Recurrent Astrocytoma of the Optic Nerve (Case Report). Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 207 - 210.
(103)   Voltchek I.V., Liepins A., Nowicky J.W., Brzosko W.J. Potential Therapeutic Efficacy of Ukrain (NSC 631570) in AIDs Patients with Caposi’s Sarcoma. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 211 - 214.
(104)   Thakur M.L., De Fulvio J., Tong. J., John E., McDevitt M.R. and Damjanov I. Evaluation of biological response modifiers in the enhancement of tumor uptake of technetium-99m labeled macromolecules. Journal of Immunological Methods, 152 (1992), 209 – 216.
(105)   Jagiello-Wojtowicz E., Kleinrok Z., Chodkowska A., Misztal G., Jagiello G. Preliminary pharmacokinetic studies of Ukrain in rats.
(106)   Zemskov V.S., Yaremchuk O.Y., Susak Y.M., Deneka E.R., Kravchenko O.V., Yatsyk I.M. The first experience in the using of the Ukrain preparation in the treatment of oncological patients in Ukraine. Likarska Sprava, 1-2, (1024), 1996, 158 – 161.
(107)   Zemskov S.V., Susak Y.M., Todor I.N., Khasanova L.T., Mosienko V.S. Antimetastatic effect of Ukrain and its influence on the oxygen and energy metabolism of mice with melanoma B-16. Experimental Oncology, Vol. 18 (1996), 4, 405 – 408.
(108)   Zemskov V.S., Yaremchuk O.Y., Susak Y.M., Kravchenko O.V., Yatsyk I.M., Voltchek I.V. Ukrain – noviy effectivniy preparat dla lecheniya raka tolstoy i pryamoy kishki. In: Actualniye Voprosy Oncologii, St. Petersburg, 1996, 175 – 177 (in Russian).
(109)   Nefyodov L.I., Uglanica K.N., Smirnov V.Y., Doroshenko Y.M., Fomin K.A., Nowicky J.W., Brzosko W.J. Swobodnie aminokisloty i ich proisvodnie v plasme krovi i opuholevoy tkani bolnih rakom molochnoy zhelezi na fone lecheniya novym protivoopuholevim preparatom Ukrain. In: Actualniye Voprosy Oncologii, St. Petersburg, 1996, 212 – 214 (in Russian).
(110)   Uglanica K.N., Fomin K.A., Nefyodov L.I., Nowicky J.W., Brzosko W.J. Electronnomicroscopicheskiy i morphohistohimicheskiy analis vosdeystvia Ukrain na opuholevuyu tkan molochnoy zhelezy. In: Actualniye Voprosy Oncologii, St. Petersburg, 1996, 175 – 177 (in Russian).
(111)   Jagiello-Wojtowicz E., Kleinrok Z., Urbanska E.M. Ukrain (NSC-631570) in experimental and clinical studies: A review. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXIV (5/6), 1998, 213 - 219.
(112)   Bondar G.V., Borota A.V., Yakovets Y.I., Zolotukhin S.E. Comparative evaluation of the complex treatment of rectal cancer patients (chemotherapy and X-ray therapy, Ukrain monotherapy). Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXIV (5/6), 1998, 221-226.
(113)   Uglianitsa K.N., Nechiporenko N.A., Nefyodov L.I., Brzosko W.J. Ukrain therapy of stage T1N0M0 bladder cancer patients. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXIV (5/6), 1998, 227-230.
(114)   Uglianitsa K.N., Nefyodov L.I., Brzosko W. Evaluation of the efficacy of Ukrain in the treatment of breast cancer: Clinical and laboratory studies. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXIV (5/6), 1998, 231-239.
(115)   Aschhoff B. Ukrain and hyperthermia treatment in a patient with Ewing's sarcoma (case report). Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXIV (5/6), 1998, 241-242.
(116)   Aschhoff B. Ukrain treatment in a patient with stage IV neuroblastoma. A case report. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXIV (5/6), 1998, 243-245.
(117)   Todor I.N., Kazmin S.D., Susak Ya.M., Ztmskov S.V. The influence of glucose, succinate, pH of the medium and higher temperature on the cytotoxic activity of the preparation Ukrain. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXIV (5/6), 1998, 247-252.
(118)   Korolenko T.A, Svechnikova I.G, Filjushina E.E, Kaledin V.I., Vakulin G.M., Usynin I.F., Tsyrendordjiev D.D. Macrophage stimulation and antitumor effect of Ukrain. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXIV (5/6), 1998, 253-260.
(119)   Svechnikova I.G., Korolenko T.A., Stashko J.F., Kaledin V.I., Nikolin V.P., Nowicky J.W. The influence of Ukrain on the growth of HA-1 tumor in mice: The role of cysteine proteinases as markers of tumor malignancy. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXIV (5/6), 1998, 261-269.
(120)   Korolenko T.A., Kaledin V.I., Svechnikova I.G., Li X.V., Stashko J.F., Ilnitskaya S.I., Nikolin V.P. Study of the antitumor effect of ukrain: The role of macrophage secretion of α-1-proteinase inhibitor. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXIV (5/6), 1998, 271-276.
(121)   Kulik G.I. Comparative in vitro study of the effects of the new antitumor drug Ukrain and several cytostatic agents on the thiol groups in the tissue of Guerin carcinoma and its resistance to cisplatin variant. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXIV (5/6), 1998, 277-280.
(122)   Deneka E.R. Morphometric and kinetic analysis of the growth of experimental sarcoma-45 in the presence of Ukrain. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXIV (5/6), 1998, 281-285.
(123)   Kulik GI, Deneka ER, Todor IN, Karmozina LG. Study of acute toxicity of Ukrain in rats after intravenous injection. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXIV (5/6), 1998, 287-293.
(124)   Jagiello-Wojtowicz E., Kleinrok Z., Feldo M., Chodkowska A., Szponar J., Urbanska E.M. Six-week treatment with Ukrain in rabbits. Part 1: Morphological parameters. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXIV (5/6), 1998, 295-299.
(125)   Jagiello-Wojtowicz E., Kleinrok Z., Feldo M., Chodkowska A., Szklarczyk V., Urbanska E.M. Six-week treatment with Ukrain in rabbits. Part II: Serum levels of gonadal hormones. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXIV (5/6), 1998, 301-304.
(126)   Jagiello-Wojtowicz E., Kleinrok Z. Feldo M., Chodkowska A., Szklarczyk V., Urbanska E.M. Six-week treatment with Ukrain in rabbits. Part III: Serum levels of thyroid hormones. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXIV (5/6), 1998, 305-308.
(127)   Jagiello-Wojtowicz E, Kleinrok Z, Chodkowska A, Misztal G., Jagiello G. Preliminary pharmacokinetic studies of Ukrain in rats. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXIV (5/6), 1998, 309-311.
(128)   Gorzelak M., Jablonski M., Patyra M., Jagiello-Wojtowicz E. Effect of intermittent three month treatment with different doses of Ukrain on subregional femoral bone mineral density of sexually mature female rats. Drugs Exptl Clin Res, XXIV (5/6), 1998, 313-316.
(129)   Jablonski M., Gorzelak M., Patyra M., Jagiello-Wojtowicz E. Effect of intermittent three-month treatment with different doses of Ukrain on subregional bone mineral density of the femur of ovariectomized rats. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXIV (5/6), 1998, 317-320.
(130)   Jagiello-Wojtowicz E, Kleinrok Z, Chodkowska A, Szkodziak A, Siembida E, Gustaw K, Urbanska E. Modification of antinociceptive action of Ukrain by endogenous nitric oxide in the writhing syndrome test in mice. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXIV (5/6), 1998, 321-325.
(131)   Jagiello-Wojtowicz E., Kleinrok Z., Gustaw K. Interaction between Ukrain and Naltrexone in the writhing syndrome test in mice. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXIV (5/6), 1998, 327-330.
(132)   Boyko V.N., Zholus R.B. A comparative evaluation of the influence of the complex drug Ukrain and its components on the effects of radiation. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXIV (5/6), 1998, 331-333.
(133)   Boyko V.N., Belskiy S.N. The influence of the novel drug Ukrain on hemo-and immunopoiesis at the time of its maximum radioprotective effect. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXIV (5/6), 1998, 335-337.
(134)   Boyko V.N., Levshina Ye.V. A study of the influence of a novel drug Ukrain on in vivo effects of low-dose ionizing radiation. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXIV (5/6), 1998, 339-341.
(135)   Boyko V.N., Zholus R.B., Legeza V.I. A study of the influence of different types of radioprotectors on the survival of mice treated with ionizing radiation over a wide dose range. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXIV (5/6), 1998, 343-347.
(136)   Koshelnick Y., Moskvina E., Binder B.R., Nowicky J.W. Ukrain (NSC-631570) inhibits angiogenic differentiation of human endothelial cells in vitro. 17th International Cancer Congress, Rio de Janeiro, August 24-28, 1998, Monduzzi Editore, 91-95.
(137)   Uglyanitsa K.N., Nefyodov L.I., Nowicky J.W., Brzosko W.J. The effect of Ukrain on cancer of the urinary bladder. 17th International Cancer Congress, Rio de Janeiro, August 24-28, 1998, Monduzzi Editore, 1065-1068.
(138)   Voltchek I., Sologub T., Gontcharova L., Pokrovskaya L., Belozyorova L., Lamanova E. Choice of Ukrain and interferon-alpha doses for the cancer patients therapy.
(139)   Panzer A, Seegers JC. Ukrain, a semisynthetic alkaloid of Chelidonium majus, is selectively toxic to malignant cells by causing a methapase block which results in apoptosis. Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research, vol. 39, March 1998, New Orleans, LA, USA.
(140)   Panzer A., Joubert AM, Bianchi PC, Seegers JC. The antimitotic effects of Ukrain™, a Chelidonium majus alkaloid derivative, are reversible in vitro. Cancer Letters 150 (2000), 85-92.
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(150)   Roublevskaia I.N., Haake A.R., Polevoda B.V. BCL-2 overexpression protects human keratinocyte cells from Ukrain induced apoptosis but not from G2/M arrest Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXVI (5/6), 2000, 149-155.
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(152)   Doroshenko Y.M., Hodysh Y.Y., Uglyanitsa K.N., Nefyodov L.I. A method for determination of Ukrain in blood plasma for monitoring and pharmacokinetic study. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXVI (5/6), 2000, 163-170.
(153)   Doroshenko Y.M., Karavay A.V., Hodysh Y.Y., Uglyanitsa K.N., Nowicky W.M., Nefyodov L.I. The dynamics of concentration of the main fluorescent component of Ukrain in the tissues and blood plasma of rats with W-256 tumor after a single intravenous injection. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXVI (5/6), 2000, 171-177.
(154)   Zemskov V.S., Procopchuk O.L., Susak Y.M., 1 Zemskov S.V., Hodysh Y.Y., Zemskova M.V. Ukrain (NSC 631570) in the treatment of pancreas cancer. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXVI (5/6), 2000, 179-190.
(155)   Uglyanitsa K.N., Nechiporenko N.A., Nefyodov L.I., Doroshenko Y.M., Brzosko W., Nowicky W. Results of Ukrain monotherapy of prostate cancer. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXVI (5/6), 2000, 191-193.
(156)   Nefyodov L.I., Uglyanitsa K.N., Nechiporenko N.A., Smirnov V.Y., Brzosko W., Karavay N.L. New biochemical mechanisms of the anticancer effect of Ukrain in the treatment of cancer of the urinary bladder. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXVI (5/6), 2000, 195-199.
(157)   Uglyanitsa K.N., Nefyodov L.I., Doroshenko Y.M., Brzosko W.J. Comparison of the efficacy of different doses of Ukrain in the combined treatment of breast cancer. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXVI (5/6), 2000, 201-221.
(158)   Uglyanitsa K.N., Nefyodov L.I., Brzosko V. Comparative evaluation of the efficiency of various Ukrain doses in the combined treatment of breast cancer Report 1 Clinical aspects of Ukrain application. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXVI (5/6), 2000, 223-230.
(159)   Nefyodov L.I., Uglyanitsa K.N., Smirnov V.Y., Karavay A.V., Brzosko W. Comparative evaluation of blood plasma and tumor tissue amino acid pool in radiation or neoadjuvant preoperative therapies of breast cancer with the antitumor drug Ukrain. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXVI (5/6), 2000, 231-237.
(160)   Uglyanitsa K.N., Nefyodov L.I., Karayedova L.M., Nowicky J.W., Brzosko W. Clinical aspects of cancer treatment and new biochemical mechanisms of the drug Ukrain. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXVI (5/6), 2000, 239-247.
(161)   Aschhoff B. Retrospective study of Ukrain treatment in 203 patients with advanced-stage tumors. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXVI(2000), 249-252.
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(163)   Prokopchuk O.L., Zemskov S.V., Susak Y.M. Ukrain treatment of a patient with retroperitoneal synovial sarcoma. Case report. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXVI (5/6), 2000, 255-256.
(164)   Prokopchuk O.L., Zemskov S.V., Susak Y.M. Ukrain treatment in a patient with metastatic renal cell carcinoma extending to the vena cava inferior. Case report. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXVI (5/6), 2000, 257-259.
(165)   Voltchek I., Sologub T., Nowicky J.W., Grigoryeva T., Belozyorova L., Belopolskaya M., Semenyako N., Lamanova E. Preliminary results of individual therapy of chronic hepatitis C by Ukrain and interferon-α. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXVI (5/6), 2000, 261-266.
(166)   Votrin I.I., Voltchek I.V., Kurochkin S.N. Kolobkov S.L. Effects of Ukrain on the activities of DNA-nicking enzymes. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXVI (5/6), 2000, 267-273.
(167)   Kurochkin S.N., Kolobkov S.L., Votrin I.I., Voltchek I.V. Induction of apoptosis in cultured Chinese hamster ovary cells by Ukrain and its synergistic action with etoposide. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXVI (5/6), 2000, 275-278.
(168)   Korolenko T.A., Djanayeva S.J., Falameyeva O.V., Wevers R.A., Filjushina E.E., Buzueva I.I., Kaledin V.I., Sandula J., Nowicky J. Chitotriosidase as a new marker of macrophage stimulation in a tumor model treated with cyclophosphamide and Ukrain. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXVI (5/6), 2000, 279-283.
(169)   Korolenko T.A., Poteryaeva O.N., Djanayeva S.J., Svechnikova I.G., Kaledin V.I., Timofeyeva O.A., Filipenko M.L., Nowicky J.  Cystatin C in LS lymphosarcoma and HA-1 hepatoma treated with Ukrain and cyclophosphamide and involvement of apoptosis. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXVI (5/6), 2000, 285-292.
(170)   Djanayeva S.J., Korolenko T.A., Svechnikova I.G., Falameyeva O.V., Korolenko E., Kaledin V.I., Nowicky J. Influence of Ukrain and cyclophosphamide administration on HA-1 murine hepatoma and LS lymphoma on aspartic proteinase cathepsin D. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXVI (5/6), 2000, 293-299.
(171)   Poteryaeva O.N., Falameyeva O.V., Korolenko T.A., Kaledin V.I., Djanayeva S.J., Nowicky J.W., Sandula J. Cysteine proteinase inhibitor level in tumor and normal tissues in control and cured mice. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXVI (5/6), 2000, 301-306.
(172)   Luksa-Lichtenthaler G.L., Ladutko E.I., Nowicky J.W. Influence of Ukrain on the nuclear thyroid hormone receptors after short-term γ-irradiation. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXVI (5/6), 2000, 307-310.
(173)   Luksa-Lichtenthaler G.L., Ladutko E.I., Nowicky J.W. Radiomodification effects of Ukrain, a cytostatic and immunomodulatmg drug, on intracellular glucocorticoid reception during short-term γ-irradiation. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXVI (5/6), 2000, 311-315.
(174)   Jablonski M. Ukrain (NSC 631570) influences on bone status: A review. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXVI (5/6), 2000, 317-320.
(175)   Jablonski M., Gorzelak M., Patyra M., Jagiello-Wojtowicz E. Intermittent three-month treatment with Ukrain in intact and ovariectomized rats. Part I: Effect on selected biomechanical parameters of the femur. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXVI (5/6), 2000, 321-325.
(176)   Jablonski M., Gorzelak M., Patyra M., Jagiello Wojtowicz E. Intermittent three-month treatment with Ukrain in intact and ovariectomized rats. Part II: Effect on bone mineral density of the femur. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXVI (5/6), 2000, 327-331.
(177)   Jablonski M., Korczak W., Gorzelak M., Jagiello-Wojtowicz E. Intermittent three-month treatment with Ukrain in intact and ovariectomized rats. Part III: Effect on the native electron paramagnetic resonance signal intensity of the femur. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXVI (5/6), 2000, 333-336.
(178)   Jagiello-Wojtowicz E., Dudka J., Dawidek-Pietryka K. Effect of Ukrain on human liver alcohol dehydrogenase activity in vitro. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXVI (5/6), 2000, 337-339.
(179)   Uglyanitsa K.N., Nefyodov L.I., Doroshenko Y.M., Nowicky J.W., Volchek I.V., Brzosko W.J., Hodysh Y.J. Ukrain: A novel antitumor drug. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXVI (5/6), 2000, 341-356.
(180)   Grinevich Yu.A., Bendyug G.D., Khranovska N.M., Martinenko S.V., Kadkalenko G.G., Novicky J.W. Investigation of immunotropic activity of Ukrain in experiments. Imunolohiya ta Alerholohiya, 1, 2001, 22-26 (in Ukrainian).
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(182)   Gansauge F, Ramadani M, Pressmar J, Gansauge S, Muehling B, Stecker B, Cammerer G, Leder G, Beger HG. NSC-631570 (Ukrain) in the palliative treatment  of pancreatic cancer. Results of a phase II trial. Langenbeck’s Archives of Surgery (2002), 386:570-574
(183)   Andrievski OM, Smalukh NV, Nowicky WM, Krivitski AK. Vyvchennia vplyvu preparatu “Ukrain” na proyav actyvnosti trypsynopodibnymy proteasami in vitro. Odeskyi Medychnyi Joornal, 1 (69), 2002:6-9
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(185)   Zemskov V, Prokopchuk O, Susak Y, Zemskov S, Tkachenko O, Hodysh Y, Nowicky W. Efficacy of Ukrain in the treatment of pancreatic cancer. Langenbeck’s Archives of Surgery (2002) 387:84-89.
(186)   Gansauge F., Ramadani M., Beger H.G. Ukrain beim fortgeschrittenen Pankreaskarzinom. Ars Medici 2002, 22, 1056-1062.
(187)   Gansauge F. Ukrain in Pancreatic cancer: Study Final Report. University Ulm, 2002.
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(190)   National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Health: Developmental Therapeutics Program. NSC 631570: results of the Human Cell Line Screen. Available at
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(192)   Izdebska M, Jagiello Wojtowicz E. Protective effects of thiophosphoric acid alkaloid from Chelidonium majus L. in rats intoxicated by methanol. Pol J Eur, 2003, submitted.
(193)   Jagiello-Wojtowicz E, Macijewska-Kozak H, Chodkowska A, Radej R. The influence of chelidonine and Ukrain on the β2-microglobulin concentration in the serum of lead-poisoned rats. Herba Polonica, 2003, submitted.
(194)   Wielosz-Tokarzewska E, Jagiello-Wojtowicz E. The effect of Ukrain on the serum VIP level in diabetic mice. International Journal of Immunotherapy, XIX (2-4), 2003, 189-191.
(195)   Jagiello-Wojtowicz E, Kleinrok A, Jurek D. Effects of Ukrain in acute intoxication with streptozotocin in rats. International Journal of Immunotherapy, XIX (2-4), 2003, 193-196.
(196)   Jagiello-Wojtowicz E, Izdebska M, Piatkowska-Chmiel I. The effect of Ukrain on selected biochemical parameters in the serum of methanol intoxicated rats. International Journal of Immunotherapy, XIX (2-4), 2003, 197-200.
(197)   Yagodina OV, Nikolskaya EB, Faddejeva MD. Inhibition of liver mitochondrial monoamine oxidase activity by alkaloids isolated from Chelidonium Majus and Macleaya and by derivative drugs “Ukrain” and “Sanguirythrine”. Tsitologiia. 2003;45(10):1032-7. [Article in Russian].
(198)   Cordes N, Blaese MA, Plasswilm L, Rodemann HP, Van Beuningen D. Fibronectin and laminin increase resistance to ionizing radiation and the cytotoxic drug Ukrain in human tumour and normal cells in vitro. Int J Radiat Biol. 2003 Sep;79(9):709-720.
(199)   Poteriaeva ON, Korolenko TA, Svechnikova IG, Zhanaeva SIa, Falameeva OV, Kaledin VI, Nowicky W. [Cysteine proteinases and their inhibitors in the development of mouse HA-1 hepatoma and antineoplastic therapy]. Biomed Khim 2004 Mar-Apr;50(2):172-9. Russian.
(200)   Zhanaeva SY, Korolenko TA, Shilov AG, Halikova TA, Guthova IV, Margulis BA, Yarygina ES. Effect of Ukrain on human lymphoma cell growth with different expressions of heat shock protein 70 (hsp70). Int J Immunother 2003, XIX(2-4): 33-39.
(201)   Aschhoff B. Ukrain in the treatment of prostate cancer patients. Int J Immunother 2003, XIX(2-4): 41-45.
(202)   Zahriychuk O. Ukrain, a thiophosphoric acid derivative of alkaloids of Chelidonium majus L., is effective in the treatment of recurrent bronchopulmonary pathology in children from areas contaminated after the Chernobyl accident. Int J Immunother 2003, XIX(2-4): 47-53.
(203)   Sologub TV, Voltchek IV, Kivisepp NA, Grigoryeva T. Efficacy and safety of the drug Ukrain in chronic hepatitis C patients. Int J Immunother 2003, XIX(2-4): 55-59.
(204)   Usova TA, Poteryaeva ON, Pospelova TI, Korolenko TA. Serum cystatin C in patients with hemoblastosis. Int J Immunother 2003, XIX(2-4): 61-65.
(205)   Gansauge F. Treatment of pancreatic cancer patients with Ukrain: four case reports. Int J Immunother 2003, XIX(2-4): 67-71.
(206)   Susak Y. Ukrain stimulates fibrotic and sclerotic transformations of pancreatic cancer tissue: comparative description of six cases. Int J Immunother 2003, XIX(2-4): 73-80.
(207)   Aschhoff B. Retrospective study of Ukrain treatment in 28 patients with unresectable pancreatic cancer. Int J Immunother 2003, XIX(2-4): 81-85.
(208)   Kleef R. Ukrain (NSC 631570) in combination with locoregional hyperthermia in the treatment of pancreatic cancer with liver metastases: a case report. Int J Immunother 2003, XIX(2-4): 87-90.
(209)   Kroiss T. Ukrain in the therapy of advanced metastatic pancreatic cancer: a case report. Int J Immunother 2003, XIX(2-4): 91-94.
(210)   Nowicki G, Zahriychuk O. Ukrain treatment of astrocytomas in girl with tuberous sclerosis: a case report. Int J Immunother 2003, XIX(2-4): 95-97.
(211)   Langer A, Zahriychuk O, Hodysh Y. Treatment of generalized lymphangiomatosis with Ukrain: a case report. Int J Immunother 2003, XIX(2-4): 99-103.
(212)   Aschhoff B. Clinical improvement of a patient with xeroderma pigmentosum after treatment with Ukrain. Int J Immunother 2003, XIX(2-4): a case report. Int J Immunother 2003, XIX(2-4): 105-108.
(213)   Nefyodov LI, Doroshenko YM, Smirnov VY, Uglyanitsa KN, Nowicky W. Metabolic control and treatment of malignant growth: tumor development, patterns of amino acid imbalance and Ukrain. Int J Immunother 2003, XIX(2-4): 109-114.
(214)   Melnichenko N, Sundikovich E, Makarchikov A, Zverinsky I. Antioxidative status and lipid peroxidation in rats after administration of Ukrain. Int J Immunother 2003, XIX(2-4): 115-119.
(215)   Zverinsky I, Maximchuk Y, Melnichenko N, Zaloga I. Effect of Ukrain on hepatic drug-metabolizing enzymes in rats: pilot studies. Int J Immunother 2003, XIX(2-4): 121-124.
(216)   Egorov A., Belanovskaya E, Rudyak T, Melnichenko N, Zverinsky I. Assessment of the functional state and morphological structure of the liver of rats after administration of the drug Ukrain. Int J Immunother 2003, XIX(2-4): 125-128.
(217)   Levina OA, Goncharova IA, Filatova TG, Nadeev AP, Nowicky W, Sukhenko TG, Kolesnikova OP, Korolenko TA. Protective effect of Ukrain against acute acetaminophen-induced hepatitis in rats. Int J Immunother 2003, XIX(2-4): 129-134.
(218)   Usova TA, Poteryaeva ON, Falameyeva OV, Zhanaeva SY, Levina OA, Yarygina ES, Korolenko TA, Nowicky W. Serum cystatin C in murine tumors treated by combinations of cyclophosphamide with Ukrain or glucans. Int J Immunother 2003, XIX(2-4): 135-140.
(219)   Zhanaeva SJ, Falameyeva OV, Filatova TG, Goncharova IA, Sukhenko TG, Kolesnikova OP, Kaledin VI, Korolenko TA, Nowicky WM. Effect of different biological response modifiers on growth and metastazing of murine Lewis adenocarcinoma. Int J Immunother 2003, XIX(2-4): 141-150.
(220)   Korolenko TA, Falameyeva OV, Poteryaeva OM, Zhanaeva SY, Levina OA, Nowicky W. Cysteine protease inhibitor stefin A in murine tumors during treatment by Ukrain and/or cyclophosphamide. Int J Immunother 2003, XIX(2-4): 151-157.
(221)   Todor I. The effect of the antineoplastic drug Ukrain on the electrokinetic potential of malignant and normal cells. Int J Immunother 2003, XIX(2-4): 159-167.
(222)   Andrievsky A, Smalyukh N, Krivitsky A, Zahriychuk O. In vitro effects of Ukrain on the activity of trypsin-like proteases. Int J Immunother 2003, XIX(2-4): 169-175.
(223)   Jablonski M. Selected calciotropic hormones in serum of sexually mature female rats treated with Ukrain. Int J Immunother 2003, XIX(2-4): 177-182.
(224)   Jablonski M. Serum levels of corticosterone, progesterone, parathyroid hormone and calcitonin in ovariectomized rats after 3-month treatment with Ukrain. Int J Immunother 2003, XIX(2-4): 183-188.
(225)   Wielosz-Tokarewska E, Jagiello-Wojtowicz E. The effect of Ukrain on the serum vasoactive intestinal polypeptide level in diabetic mice. Int J Immunother 2003, XIX(2-4): 189-191.
(226)   Jagiello-Wojtowicz E, Kleinrok A, Jurek D. Effects of Ukrain in acute intoxication with streptozotocin in rats. Int J Immunother 2003, XIX(2-4): 193-196.
(227)   Jagiello-Wojtowicz E, Izdebska M, Piatkowska-Chmiel I. Effect of Ukrain on selected biochemical parameters in the serum of methanol-intoxicated rats. Int J Immunother 2003, XIX(2-4): 197-200.
(228)   Jagiello-Wojtowicz E., Izdebska M.: Effect of CNS-631570 (Ukrain) on selected biochemical parameters indicating liver dysfunction in acute methanol intoxication of rats. Pol. J. Environ., 2004 w druku
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(230)   Zemskov S.V. Efficacy of adjuvant treatment with combination of Ukrain (NSC-631570) and Gemcitabin in cases of pancreas cancer. Ukrainian Chemotherapeutic Journal 2005, #1-2
(231)   Mozhenok T.P., Belyaeva T.N., Leontieva E.A., Faddejeva M.D. Modulation of vesicular membrane fusion and of actin cytoskeleton in mouse macrophages inducing by alkaloid sanguinarine and a derivative drug Ukrain. Cytology 2005, #10. Institute of Cytology, RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia.
(232)   Tomaszewski M., Olchowik M. Influence of Ukrain on some parameters in pelvis bone tissue of rats exposed to subacute microwave radiation. Krajowe Sympozjum Studenckich Kół Naukowych Akademii Medycznych, Lublin, 15 stycznia 2005.
(233)   Olchowik M., Tomaszewski M. Effect of Ukrain on biochemical parameters of rats subjected to subacute microwave radiation (mW). Krajowe   Sympozjum   Studenckich   Kół Naukowych Akademii Medycznych, Lublin, 15 stycznia 2005.
(234)   Piątkowska-Chmiel I. Porównanie działania chelidoniny i leku Ukrain w ostrych zatruciach miedzią i cyną u szczurów. Krajowe Sympozjum Studenckich Kół Naukowych Akademii Medycznych, Lublin, 15 stycznia 2005.
(235)   Izdebska M., Jagiełło-Wójtowicz E. Protective effects of NSC-631570 in rats acutely intoxicated by ethylene glycol. VII Sympozjum „Postępy Toksykologii Klinicznej i Sądowej", Kraków, 2-4 czerwca 2005, Przegl. Lek., 2005, t. 62, 6, s. 638.
(236)   Piątkowska-Chmiel I., Jagiełło-Wójtowicz E. Comparison of actions of Chelidonine and Ukrain in acute copper chloride intoxication in rats. VII Sympozjum „Postępy Toksykologii Klinicznej i Sądowej", Kraków, 2-4 czerwca 2005, Przegl. Lek., 2005, t. 62, 6, s. 638.
(237)   Izdebska M., Jagiełło-Wójtowicz E. Effect of single or 10-day treatment with Ukrain on some biochemical parameters in the serum of rats acutely intoxicated with alcohols. 42nd Congress of Toxicology, EUROTOX, Kraków, 11-14 September 2005, Vol. 158, Suppl. 1, s. 56-57.
(238)   Ernst E, Schmidt K: Ukrain – a new cancer cure? A systematic review of randomised clinical trials. BMC Cancer. 2005; 5: 69. doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-5-69.
(239)   Kleinrok A., Jagiełło-Wójtowicz E. Effects of Ukrain on some biochemical parameters In mice pretreated with streptozotocin. IV Lwowsko-Lubelska Konferencja Biochemii Eksperymentalnej i Klinicznej, Lublin, 11-13 maja 2006.
(240)   Izdebska M., Jagiełło-Wójtowicz E. Effect of thiophosphoric acid alkaloid derivatives from Chelidonium majus L. on some biochemical parameters in the serum of rats acutely intoxicated by ethylene glycol. 5th International Symposium on Chromatography of Natural Products (ISCNP). The Application of Chromatographic Methods in Phytochemical & Biomedical analysis, Lublin -Kazimierz Dolny, June 19-22, 2006, P-58, s. 110.
(241)   Jagiełło-Wójtowicz E., Piątkowska-Chmiel I. Protective effects of chelidonine and Ukrain in rats acutely intoxicated with tin chloride. 5th International Symposium on Chromatography of Natural Products (ISCNP). The Application of Chromatographic Methods in Phytochemical & Biomedical analysis, Lublin -Kazimierz Dolny, June 19-22, 2006, P-60, s. 112.
(242)   Jagiełło-Wójtowicz E., Chodkowska A. Estimation of biochemical parameters in blood serum of rats subjected to 10-day treatment with alkaloid thiophosphoric acid derivative of Chelidonium majus L. (Ukrain)   with   simultaneous   exposition   to   ionizing   radiation. 5th International Symposium on Chromatography of Natural Products    (ISCNP). The Application of Chromatographic Methods in Phytochemical & Biomedical analysis, Lublin -Kazimierz Dolny, June 19-22, 2006, P-61, s. 113.
(243)   Lanvers-Kaminsky C, Nolting DM, Köster J, Schröder A, Sandkötter J, Boos J (2006): In-vitro toxicity of Ukrain against human Ewing tumor cell lines. Anticancer Drugs 17(9): 1025-1030
(244)   Ernst E. Why there will never be an alternative cancer cure. Anti-Cancer Drugs 2006, 17: 1023-1024
(245)   Gagliano N, Moscheni C, Torri C, Magnani I, Bertelli AAE, Nowicky W and Gioia M (2006): Effect of Ukrain on matrix metalloproteinase-2 and Secreted Protein Acidic and Rich in Cysteine (SPARC) expression in human glioblastoma cells. Anti-Cancer Drugs 17:189-194.
(246)   Habermehl D, Kammerer B, Handrick R, Eldh T, Gruber C, Cordes N, Daniel PT, Plasswilm L, Bamberg M, Belka C, Jendrossek V: Proaptotic activity of Ukrain is based on Chelidonium majus L. alkaloids and mediated via a mitochondrial death pathway. BMC Cancer 2006; 6:14,
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(248)   Jagiełło-Wójtowicz E., Izdebska M.: Effect of thiophosphoric acid alkaloids derivative from  Chelidonium  majus (L.) on antioxidant status in alcohol -intoxicated rats. J. Ethnopharmacol., 2007 - submitted
(249)   Jagiełło-Wójtowicz E.,  Chodkowska A., Jabłoński M.,  Olchowik G.:  Serum RANKL in rats treated with Ukrain and simultaneous exposition to ionizing radiation. J. Ethnopharmacol., 2007 - submitted
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